American Political Science
Association Meeting (2018)
Boston, Massachusetts
Playtime Politics:
The Rapidly Growing Mismatch
Between Biology and Culture
Fri, August 31, 12:00 to 1:30pm
Session Organized by:
Ronald F. White, Ph.D.
Mount St. Joseph University
Session Submission Type: Full Paper Panel
Session Description
Mount St. Joseph University
psychologists have long argued that there is an ever-growing “mismatch” between
human behavior that has been shaped primarily by biological evolution, and
behavior that has been shaped by cultural evolution. That same idea holds true
for political behavior. One of the more promising, yet often neglected areas of
evolutionary political research is the study of the biological and cultural
forces that shape the political regulation of childhood play. The fact that
young humans, and other primates exhibit similar playtime bodily motions and
activities suggests an evolutionary component. Yet, it also obvious, that there
is, now, a growing mismatch between our slowly evolving Pleistocene,
hunter-gatherer brains and the rise of the political regimes that now shape the
global human environment. This research panel will explore the evolutionary
psychology and/or the evolutionary politics of childhood play. Panelists may
document the various Post-AR spheres of influence that now shape childhood play,
including technological evolution, economic evolution, and/or sociopolitical
evolution; and the resulting mismatches. Panelists may also explore the
developmental implications of this mismatch and/or suggest how contemporary
political leaders might close (or at least reduce) that ever-expanding
Introduction to Session
By: Ronald F. White
Mount St. Joseph University
Comments on Individual
By: Ronald F. White (Mount
St. Joseph University)
Presentation #1
Eli White (Northern Kentucky University)
“Affordance Psychology and the Evolution of
Playground Technology”
In the realm of perceptual psychology
there is a wide body of research that investigates how the environment
determines which actions are possible. Originally coined by perceptual
psychologist J.J Gibson (1979), the concept of affordances describes how
properties of the animal in relation to properties of the environment can
inform or specify what actions are possible. Childhood playgrounds, in all
times and all places, reflect a predisposition to engage in specific bodily
motions such as: up and down, back and forth, and around and around. This
presentation will explain why playground technologies tend to replicate these
patterns, especially: monkey bars, swings, see-saws, and merry-go-rounds; and,
how and why adults seek to politically regulate these technologies.
Presentation #2
David Vanderburgh (Yukon-Kuskokwim Health
"Medicine and the Growing Problems of Risk-Averse
The hallmark of evolutionary politics has been the ever-rising legal
standards for health and safety of citizens. In most recent years, the
increased regulation of childhood playgrounds has produced successive
generations of safety conscious, risk-averse adults. As risk-aversion
increases, so does the power of government to protect us from ourselves. Are
there any objective standards for acceptable childhood risk-taking, or have
public and/or private playgrounds, already, become so safety conscious, that
they are no longer attractive to venues for child play? What, if anything, can
be done to restore, at least a modicum of playground risk-taking?
Charles Kroncke: (Mount St. Joseph University)
“The Economics of Boredom: Risk-Averse Playgrounds
and Indoor Play”
In recent times, childhood playground technology has become subject to
increasingly higher legalized safety standards. Coinciding with these increased
safety concerns we also have declining childhood interest in collective outdoor
play. As the costs associated with purchasing and installing these risk-free
playgrounds increase, the number of children that utilize these playgrounds has
decreased. This paper will attempt to explain how/why the number of playgrounds
has increased, despite declining childhood interest and the increase in
interest in stationary indoor play.
Rachel Constance: (Walsh University)
“Ring Around the Rosy: The Biology and Culture of
Childhood Games and Epidemics”
Epidemic disease plays a central role in the development of human
societies, through a symbiotic relationship that predates the development of
agriculture. Many historians have explored how epidemics have shaped human
history demographically, culturally, politically, and financially. However,
less research has explored how the underlying biology of epidemic disease has
shaped the experience of childhood. This paper will explore how the biology of
epidemics such as the bubonic plague, cholera, and more recently, HIV, have
manifested in the culture of childhood play. It will focus particularly on
sources that help us understand how children processed the morbidity of such
diseases through childhood play, including games, books, and nursery rhymes.
General Session Conclusions
By Ronald F. White:
tradition at conferences dictates that commentators attempt to find common
ground between seemingly disparate presentations. Given the fact that all of
the papers presented today will be part of a book I am editing for my forthcoming
(Spring 2019) sabbatical from Mount St. Joseph University, common ground has
already been forged via hours of reference-sharing and scholarly conversation
between longtime friends. Philosophical tradition also dictates that I try to
limit that “common ground” to three main points of agreement.
given the fact that everyone on this panel are parents and/or grandparents, we
all have similar observations on how children play, especially on playgrounds.
I think we all agree that there are often profound gender-based, individual based,
and developmental differences between children in terms of risk-taking limits,
even within families. Therefore, any ultimate explanation for risk-averse
child’s play, must acknowledge profound variation, within families, cultures,
and even over the course of a child’s lifetime.
I think we’ll agree that a child’s propensity for risk-taking can be expanded
and/or contacted under various environmental conditions and in various social
contexts; especially when young children play with little or no adult
supervision, play with older or younger children; and/or play with strangers,
friends, or close relatives.
as parents, we all agree that we have all been influenced by the “better safe
than sorry” principle, which underlies risk-averse parenthood. Some of us have had
first-hand experience with risk-averse physicians, hospitals, and schools that routinely
order medical tests and procedures for relatively low probability medical
conditions; and for relatively low harm conditions. Nevertheless, we all admit
that when it comes to the well-being of our own children, we are all naturally risk
averse, which (in part) explains why we tolerate our government’s ongoing propensity
to legally regulate childhood and parental behavior “for the sake of our
children.” As a libertarian I find that to be very disconcerting, as state paternalism
continues to run rampant in the United States and the authority of parents is
rapidly being diminished. There’s much more to be said about the Evolutionary
Politics of how, where, and why children play, especially within in liberal
APSA Links
Sub Unit
Eliah James
White, Northern Kentucky University
The Growing Problem of Risk-Averse Childhood Playgrounds - David F Vanderburgh, Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation
Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg
Mount St. Joseph University